Recover from Pain and Injuries Quicker at Premier Physical Therapy

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Physical Therapy near West Ashely, SC

Accidents are a part of life that can happen anytime, anywhere. Whether it's at work, home, or on the road, injuries often follow. According to the CDC, there were more than 38 million injury-related visits to the ER in 2020. However, not all injuries require the same kind of treatment. Minor sprains and bruises can often be treated at home with rest, ice, and elevation.

More severe injuries require ongoing care like sports rehab and physical therapy in West Ashely, SC. Physical therapy, which is a combination of physical exercises and education, has remarkable benefits for those who are injured or in constant pain. For many patients, physical therapy is the key to a pain-free life where joints and muscles don't ache and everyday activities are easy to accomplish without constant worry and debilitating pain. That's where Premier Physical Therapy shines – to help you live life free of the aches and pains setting you back.

Service Areas

A Unique Approach to Physical Therapy in West Ashely, SC

Premier Physical Therapy is not your ordinary physical therapy center. We separate ourselves from other physical therapy offices with an inherent belief that God's Will is to see each and every person suffering from physical ailments return to the best shape possible. We believe it's our job to make sure His Will is seen through. To ensure we do so, our physical therapy center is equipped with the most advanced technology and knowledgeable staff in South Carolina.

Some of the most popular services we offer at our physical rehabilitation office in South Carolina include:

  • Physical Therapy
  • Alter-G Treadmill
  • Aquatic Therapy
  • Sports Rehab for Athletes

Our Mission

At Premier Physical Therapy, we strive to use our abilities to help others and honor God. We believe that each person has unique gifts that they can use to make a positive impact in the world, and for us, that gift is the ability to heal and serve people through advanced physical

therapy techniques and technology. Whether you are dealing with a minor injury or a chronic condition, we are here to help you feel better and improve your overall well-being.

Now that you know a little more about our mission, let's take a closer look at the services offered at our physical therapy center.

Elevating the Art and Science of Physical Therapy in West Ashely, SC

Our services are focused on helping individuals alleviate any physical discomfort they may be experiencing by working in tandem with their bodies. Physical therapy is a unique combination of both science and art, and our team of experts is well-versed in both aspects to ensure that regardless of your symptoms or diagnosis, you receive the best care possible.

Our understanding of human anatomy is second nature to us, but we also understand that each person's body is unique. Thus, we approach each case with a willingness to adapt and tailor our methods to your specific needs, enabling you to get back to living your best life once again.

 Physical Rehabilitation West Ashely, SC
Therapy Customized

Physical Therapy Customized to Your Needs and Goals

Premier Physical Therapy works with you to develop a personalized rehabilitation program that caters to your specific needs and objectives. Whether you are suffering from the fallout of shoulder surgery, knee replacement surgery, or your back has artificial discs, you deserve a customized rehabilitation plan.

That's why we create specialized plans for every one of our clients – we never provide treatment based on someone's general characteristics or levels of pain. Plus, unlike many physical therapy centers, our team undergoes advanced training in the Mulligan Concept and McKenzie Method. The bottom line At Premier Physical Therapy, you can rely on receiving compassionate, complete support using the latest physical therapy techniques and equipment, such as dry needling.

utilize technologies

We also utilize technologies such as the Alter-G Unweighting System and Pneumex Unweighting System.

The Pneumex unweighting system is designed to decrease pain and increase strength by providing controlled, precise, weightless motion for the spine or injured joint. Premier Physical Therapy is the sole provider in the West Ashely, SC, area to offer this pain-free Pneumex technology.

clinic provides

Our physical therapy clinic provides relief for nearly every area of your body, including your:

  • Back
  • Shoulders
  • Neck
  • Jaw
  • Spine
  • Hips
  • Ankles and Feet
  • Knees
  • Elbows

Our team of practitioners also provides care for diseases and disorders, such as:

  • Arthritis
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Chronic Pain Disorders
  • Parkinson's

From high-level sports injuries to painful sprains, you can rest easy knowing that relief is just around the corner when you book an appointment with Premier Physical Therapy.

Reduce Impacts and Reimagine Rehabilitation with the Alter G

The Alter G treadmill is a remarkable piece of technology that helps reduce the impact of exercise and aids in smooth rehabilitation after surgery or injury. It is especially useful if walking, jogging, or running causes pain during recovery from physical ailments. Alter G treadmills are preferred by leading medical professionals and the world's best athletes and sports teams.

Originally developed at NASA and tested at Nike's Oregon Research Project by America's top distance runners, the Alter G was considered revolutionary when first produced. Today, it remains incredibly effective and exists as the only FDA-approved device of its kind.

Top 3 Benefits of Alter G Treadmills for Physical Therapy in Charleston

One of the most common questions we get at Premier Physical Therapy about Alter G treadmills is whether they really work or not. We get it – antigravity technology may seem out of place in a custom physical therapy program. The truth is that Alter G provides patients with an exciting, effective, and proven way to improve their workouts and recoveries. Here are just a few of the biggest benefits of using antigravity treadmills at our physical therapy office:

 Physiotherapy West Ashely, SC

Running on a traditional treadmill is a popular exercise, but it can also cause harm to your bones, joints, and muscles due to the high stress and pressure on your body. Antigravity treadmills solve this issue by using unweighting technology to help users achieve their desired workout. The AlterG can unweight up to 80% of a user's body weight, reducing stress and shock on the lower body

By wearing specialized shorts and entering the air chamber surrounding the Alter G treadmill, the machine can be calibrated to pressurize the chamber and unweight users, allowing them to run without pain and without interfering with their natural gait mechanics. This technology isn't just for athletes. It can be used for a range of physiotherapy needs, whether you're recovering from knee surgery or simply want to run without harming your knees as much.

 Antigravity Treadmill West Ashely, SC

The Alter G treadmill provides a painless, low-weight exercise for patients in early recovery. Studies show it reduces muscle atrophy and swelling and improves post-surgery results. It helps you recuperate faster and improves cardio fitness, range of motion, and strength while reducing the harmful effects of gravity. Going through recovery doesn't mean you have to waste away on the couch. Instead, you can stay active and exercise with the painless treatment Alter G from Premier Physical Therapy in South Carolina.

 Aquatic Therapy West Ashely, SC

The Alter G treadmill may sound intimidating, but it is a safe and comfortable experience for helping patients recover from injury or surgery. While using the Alter G, you will be surrounded by a safety bar that can be used for support and balance. A clinician from Premier Physical Therapy will be present to guide you through your run, adjusting your speed and pressure to create the ideal running experience. Patients who use the Alter G Treadmill can focus on getting the most out of their workout rather than worrying about falling or joint pain.

Stay Active with Aquatic Therapy

Depending on your pain symptoms and goals for physical therapy in West Ashely, SC, aquatic therapy can provide your body with immeasurable benefits. It all starts when by heating our pool to 92 degrees, to maximize your workout and keep your muscles warm. In fact, at Premier Physical Therapy, we're proud to provide patients with the warmest pool in Charleston. When you use our aquatic therapy technology, you have access to two underwater treadmills and also a pair of swim jets. Plus, we can provide accessories such as weights, jog belts, steps, and even resistance bands.

Benefits of using our aquatic therapy clinic include

  • Decreased Muscle Guarding
  • Reduced Pain
  • Un-Weighted Joints
  • Much More
Physical Therapy West Ashely, SC

Why Choose Aquatic Therapy

 Physical Rehabilitation West Ashely, SC

5 Reasons to Consider Aquatic Therapy from Premier Physical Therapy

Aquatic exercises from our physical therapy office is about more than just swimming laps. It is an effective and safe form of physical therapy that uses evidence-based techniques to help you feel and move better, whether you're 25 or 65. Curious why you should consider this service? Keep reading to find out.

Reduced Risk of Falling
Reduced Risk of Falling

Certain patients who experience problems with balance and stability might not be suitable for physical therapy on land. However, aquatic therapy decreases the likelihood of falls and fall-related injuries, enabling them to exercise and recover in a secure environment. With time, balance issues can be resolved, and confidence can be regained.

Coordination and Balance Improvements

To piggyback off of our last point, aquatic therapy is a type of physical therapy in West Ashely, SC, that can help patients improve their coordination and balance. This, in turn, can reduce their risk of falls outside of the pool. The water used in aquatic therapy slows down movement and prevents falls, which gives patients the time they need to regain their posture if they get off balance. Research has shown that hydrotherapy can be particularly beneficial for older patients, as it can help them improve their balance and recovery. As a result, they may become less fearful of falling and more confident during physical activities.

Less Stress on Your Joints and Bones
Less Stress on Your Joints and Bones

When a patient is immersed in water up to their neck, their body weight is reduced by nearly 90%. This buoyancy helps to decrease the load on weight-bearing muscles, bones, and joints. This is particularly beneficial for individuals with musculoskeletal conditions or injuries, as landing on a hard surface could be unsafe or painful.

Improve Your Cardio
Improve Your Cardio

Exercising in a pool can significantly improve one's aerobic capacity and breathing, which in turn promotes overall health. In particular, engaging in aerobic exercise can lower the risk of coronary artery disease and help maintain healthy blood pressure levels. This makes it an ideal form of physical activity for patients who require aerobic exercise but face mobility or pain issues that limit their ability to engage in land-based exercise.

Help Alleviate Swollen Joints
Help Alleviate Swollen Joints

Hydrostatic pressure refers to the pressure exerted by fluids that are confined in a space. When a person undergoes aquatic physical therapy, the water surrounding their body exerts hydrostatic pressure. This pressure helps to improve circulation, reduce swelling, decrease joint stiffness, and increase overall mobility.

 Physiotherapy West Ashely, SC

Custom Sports Conditioning and Strengthening

There's a reason why some of the best athletes in the world come to Premier Physical Therapy for help: We strive to combine the best staff with the best equipment you'll find in South Carolina or anywhere else. Our sports training program is tailored to meet the needs of athletes from any sport. It is designed to help prevent injuries and facilitate a quick return to the field.

Each workout targets speed, strength, power, agility, and weight loss, if necessary. You will have full access to our 5,000-square-foot facility, which includes an indoor, heated, saltwater aqua therapy pool to assist with soreness and improve flexibility. Before progressing to the next level, you will need to pass a functional exam with a specific goal in mind.

Some of the sports physical therapy programs we offer include:

  • Core Strengthening for Improved Performance Across Multiple Sports
  • Upper Extremity Conditioning for Softball, Baseball, Swimming, & Volleyball
  • Speed Programs
  • Vertical Jump Programs
  • Premier Pitching Academy Program
  • Golf Conditioning Program
  • Marathon, Triathlon, & Century Training Program

You with Our Health and Wellness Services

We believe that one of the best ways to maintain the gains you make with physical therapy in Charleston is to stay active and stay healthy once you're discharged from our physical rehabilitation in South Carolina. After all, regular exercise is often the best medicine you can take.

How does it work, you might be asking?

We offer you the opportunity to have unlimited visits to our 5,000-square-foot facility for an affordable monthly fee. You'll be able to schedule up to two weekly appointments for our heated pool and unlimited appointments for our gym facility. There are no lock-in contracts, and you can cancel anytime you'd like. Our facility is less crowded than regular gyms, and our therapists are always available to assist you. You'll feel comfortable knowing that if you have any questions or concerns, we're always here to help.

The Path to Pain Relief Begins at Premier Physical Therapy

If you're suffering from a physical ailment and would like to return to peak physical condition, Premier Physical Therapy is here to help you. From arthritis to Parkinson's and just about everything in between, our custom programs don't just provide relief from your symptoms – they address the root causes of your issues. Our team of experts is incredibly well-versed in healing every area of the human anatomy – from your feet to your shoulders. Contact our physiotherapy office today and let us help you become the best possible version of yourself.

Latest News in West Ashely, SC

West Ashley launches South Carolina's first edible forest, tackling food insecurity

CHARLESTON, S.C. (WCIV) — West Ashley is home to South Carolina’s first-ever food forest.Funded through a $50,000 grant from the South Carolina Forestry Commission, Charleston Parks Conservancy launched the project with the City of Charleston and other partners to provide free and nutritious options in areas struggling with food insecurity.“In the end, this will end up producing about 30,000 pounds of fresh organic produce, in a community that doesn't have great access to healthy foods,” said Darlene Hea...

CHARLESTON, S.C. (WCIV) — West Ashley is home to South Carolina’s first-ever food forest.

Funded through a $50,000 grant from the South Carolina Forestry Commission, Charleston Parks Conservancy launched the project with the City of Charleston and other partners to provide free and nutritious options in areas struggling with food insecurity.

“In the end, this will end up producing about 30,000 pounds of fresh organic produce, in a community that doesn't have great access to healthy foods,” said Darlene Heater, executive director of Charleston Parks Conservancy.

Rows of more than 75 plants, ranging from nut trees to berry bushes, line Mulberry Park in West Ashley.

READ MORE: "Hendrick Automotive Group donates $100,000 to Lowcountry Food Bank."

The first in the state, Charleston’s new food forest will provide free, fresh produce to those who need it most.

“What's beautiful about a food forest is that anybody can access it at any time. So, you're not relying on someone's opening hours or the availability to be able to go to a source to get food,” Heater said. “It is in the community and available to the community for whoever needs it.”

The forest features seven tiers of agriculture and will begin producing roughly $25,000 worth of food annually in the first five years.

The conservancy has worked with several local groups, like Slow Food Charleston, to make the flagship project come to life.

“To help bring good, clean, and fair agricultural products to our community, to communities that may not have access to them. To have them engage in a manner that is enriching,” said Kellie Holmes, co-chair of Slow Food Charleston.

READ MORE: "Hansley's Free Fridge project is fighting food insecurity in South Carolina."

Accessibility is at the root of it all.

The food forest is in the Ardmore neighborhood, a lower-income area that could be categorized as a food desert. It isn't an uncommon issue. Around 40.5 million Americans live in USDA-designated food deserts nationwide.

“Mulberry Park is an ideal location. It is a community that, though it has some grocery stores in its vicinity, they are not necessarily grocery stores that everyone in the community can afford to go to,” Heater explained.

Located off the Bikeway, Charleston Parks Conservancy hopes the food forest will feed not only its closest neighbors but the greater West Ashley and Charleston area.

Planting the seeds of an edible food forest in West Ashley, SC's 1st free-of-charge grove

Pluck an apple, cut some herbs or pick some berries at South Carolina's first food forest, a new free-of-charge grove being built in the Ardmore community.With an expected seven stories of canopies and an estimated $25,000 annually in produce by its fifth year, Charleston Parks Conservancy director Darlene Heater acknowledged it's a remarkable undertaking for the local nonprofit."It's creating access ...

Pluck an apple, cut some herbs or pick some berries at South Carolina's first food forest, a new free-of-charge grove being built in the Ardmore community.

With an expected seven stories of canopies and an estimated $25,000 annually in produce by its fifth year, Charleston Parks Conservancy director Darlene Heater acknowledged it's a remarkable undertaking for the local nonprofit.

"It's creating access in food deserts but creating it in a way that is low-maintenance and little barrier for people to be able to participate in it," Heater said.

The food forest on Mulberry Street near Grech Street, and off the West Ashley Bikeway, is being funded by a $50,000 grant from the South Carolina Forestry Commission.

While the conservancy is handling the horticulture, the City of Charleston's parks department is working to excavate the land, add pathways and install a new playground at the park. It is one of several conservancy projects this year, in addition to working with the city to manage 24 parks on the peninsula, on James Island and in West Ashley.

Parks Department director Jason Kronsberg compared the collaboration between the city, the conservancy and the community to a three-legged stool. The conservancy liaises with the neighborhoods, like Ardmore for the food forest, and then fundraises with them before going to the city to bring a project to life.

The food forest is intended to help the Ardmore neighborhood, recently identified in the Charleston parks master plan as a community of high need, along with the surrounding community.

Besides providing free access to produce, the forest can help people better understand where their food comes from, Kronsberg said. It's also an opportunity for folks to lend a hand with some maintenance.

"The parks are owned by everybody," Kronsberg said.

Story continues below

The project will not be without its challenges, though. As the weather in Charleston gets more severe, Heater said that the conservancy will need to tend to the forest carefully and make sure plants or produce don't wash away.

Teaching the community how to use — and not overuse — the one-of-a-kind forest will take time, too.

The conservancy plans to lean on its volunteer base to maintain the forest, such as harvesting, packing and sending excess produce to local nonprofits. There will be no constraints on harvesting to start, as to not adversely impact food accessibility, Heater said. Part of it will be trial and error, and much of the plan is flexible based on the demand the conservancy sees for certain produce.

"What we may learn is that this community really loves sweet potatoes but doesn't care as much about turnips," Heater said. "So let's look at how we can expand growing our sweet potato patch so that we can continue to serve the people adequately who most need it."

This spring will mark the first planting of the fruit trees, brambles and herbs. Heater said that best practices dictate not harvesting during the first year, so by the second year the conservancy expects to have herbs, mushrooms, brambles and possibly bananas to harvest.

By the fifth year, with an estimated 70 trees bearing fruit, Heater said she expects 10,000 pounds of produce.

The food forest comes two years after the adoption of a new Charleston parks master plan and months after the overwhelming approval of a bond referendum question last November.

"Citizens spoke loudly and clearly that they supported the referendum and improved park spaces," Kronsberg said. "Coming out of COVID, when parks became critical infrastructure, it was natural that there was that much support for a referendum."

Family blames poor health, loss of thousands on mold at West Ashley apartment

The apartment complex refutes claims made by the former tenantCHARLESTON, S.C. (WCSC) - After months of her son being chronically sick, which even led him to temporarily stop walking and talking, one West Ashley woman wants to warn people about the effects of living with mold.Mold test results allege this is exactly what former tenant Lauren LaMantia experienced while living at The Heyward Apartments.“There’s nothing more frustrating than knowing something is wrong with your kid and there’s no one tha...

The apartment complex refutes claims made by the former tenant

CHARLESTON, S.C. (WCSC) - After months of her son being chronically sick, which even led him to temporarily stop walking and talking, one West Ashley woman wants to warn people about the effects of living with mold.

Mold test results allege this is exactly what former tenant Lauren LaMantia experienced while living at The Heyward Apartments.

“There’s nothing more frustrating than knowing something is wrong with your kid and there’s no one that will help you,” LaMantia said.

LaMantia and her son Leo moved into The Heyward apartments in West Ashley in 2020. What began as off-and-on colds, led to a sickness that wouldn’t go away for Leo LaMantia last spring.

Lauren LaMantia says he had constant mucus, an oozing eye and he even eventually stopped walking and talking. He was diagnosed with three different viruses and pneumonia in his right lung.

A specialist recommended getting an environmental test in their apartment, which is when she hired The Mold Girl, LLC and GSL Engineering.

She explained what The Mold Girl, LLC recommended.

“[An employee] said, ‘Based on how I feel after being here and testing, I wouldn’t keep my family here for another day,’” LaMantia said. “So, that night we packed up and we left.”

She took the topical tests to The Heyward management, who then hired a vendor to remediate the area and clean invasively, which she claims only exacerbated the problem.

“It was worse, obviously, than what was just topical,” LaMantia said. “And those spores got thrown out into the air, into the air ducts and contaminated all of our belongings.”

When the two initial companies came out to test again, the results were worse than before.

GSL Engineering’s air quality test says anything higher than a five requires an investigation. The apartment’s levels were 7.7.

In The Mold Girl, LLC’s test, there were a variety of molds found, with some of these also showing in the 95th percentile in Leo’s urine sample.

“When I told the complex that, they considered this matter closed and that they had denied any allegations with my initial concern with sending a vendor out there to fix it,” LaMantia said.

She says The Heyward offered to terminate the lease, under one condition. She was asked to sign a waiver of liability, a confidentiality agreement and a non-disclosure form. When she refused, she had to pay nine more months of rent in an apartment she couldn’t live in.

“Between moving, medical, rent, legal counsel - just consultations - it’s between $40,000-$50,000 out of pocket,” LaMantia said.

The Heyward’s attorney, Thomas Howard, sent this statement in response to the allegations:

Due to privacy concerns, it is our policy not to comment on specific questions regarding any resident. We are aware of the resident’s complaint to which our community representatives promptly investigated and responded. We contest the resident’s portrayal of the facts and our corresponding actions. At Heyward, the safety and well-being of our community residents are paramount, and we treat all concerns with utmost seriousness. Heyward has been nationally recognized in the country for resident experience placing in the Elite 1% ORA Power Rankings (34th nationally) by J Turner Research. The ORA® Power Ranking is based on the relative strength of over 140,000 communities assessed by J Turner Research, a prominent consulting firm that monitors resident satisfaction. This accomplishment reflects the hard work and positive impact of our onsite management team which remains dedicated to providing the best possible environment for all of our residents.

Since moving out, LaMantia says she still experiences memory loss and is on more antibiotics now than she has been in the last ten years. She wants to warn other renters about the dangers mold could present.

“I just hope that people get out of that place,” LaMantia said. “...It’s just a breeding ground for mold... And they have no idea that they’re going to breathe in these terrible things and that could permanently damage them.”

She recommends if anyone is feeling symptoms no matter where they live, to get your place tested.

Copyright 2024 WCSC. All rights reserved.

Developer hosts meeting to address Essex Farm community concerns

|Updated: Mar. 1, 2024 at 11:20 AM ESTCHARLESTON, S.C. (WCSC) - Residents who live near one West Ashley development learned more about the future of their community during a meeting hosted by developers.Cameron Property Company, the company overseeing the development of 26 acres near the Essex Farms community, invited residents to share their concerns and provide input at a meeting Thursday night.The 26-acre lot runs from Essex Farms Drive, down Skye Drive and extends to Dorothy Drive.Developers were accompanied b...

|Updated: Mar. 1, 2024 at 11:20 AM EST

CHARLESTON, S.C. (WCSC) - Residents who live near one West Ashley development learned more about the future of their community during a meeting hosted by developers.

Cameron Property Company, the company overseeing the development of 26 acres near the Essex Farms community, invited residents to share their concerns and provide input at a meeting Thursday night.

The 26-acre lot runs from Essex Farms Drive, down Skye Drive and extends to Dorothy Drive.

Developers were accompanied by Charleston city officials representing the council, planning department, and traffic department to discuss what potential businesses residents could expect to see.

During the meeting, community members said they were relieved to learn that the developer withdrew its request to change the zoning language to include drive-thru windows at restaurants.

The developer is in talks with a grocery store and gas station, but plans have not been finalized.

Some residents said they are less than pleased about the big changes coming to the Essex Farms community.

Residents also expressed concerns about traffic congestion and the potential for a gas station to be built on the property.

“Tonight’s the first time we’ve heard gas station. That was a shock for all of us. When we purchased our properties, we were told specifically that a gas station wasn’t allowed to be there,” resident Kellie Kinard said.

Development Manager Collins Moe said he wants community input but that the company has the right to build to the zoning order, which does allow a grocery store and gas station.

“We’re going through the appropriate city of Charleston permit steps which require traffic studies. Things that outline what we’re proposing to make sure they meet all the standards with the county, the state, and the city, more importantly, based on where this property lies. At the end of the day, we’re still very far out,” Moe said.

Kinard said she is disappointed and was left with even more concerns and questions.

“I think my husband and I are going to have a serious conversation about whether or not we’re going to list our home. Which is really unfortunate because we love our neighborhood. We have great neighbors, but we do not want this type of development that they’re talking about potentially literally within several feet of our driveway,” Kinard said.

City officials stated that this development was approved many years ago and the zoning goes back to 1997.

Copyright 2024 WCSC. All rights reserved.


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