Recover from Pain and Injuries Quicker at Premier Physical Therapy

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Physical Therapy near Hollywood, SC

Accidents are a part of life that can happen anytime, anywhere. Whether it's at work, home, or on the road, injuries often follow. According to the CDC, there were more than 38 million injury-related visits to the ER in 2020. However, not all injuries require the same kind of treatment. Minor sprains and bruises can often be treated at home with rest, ice, and elevation.

More severe injuries require ongoing care like sports rehab and physical therapy in Hollywood, SC. Physical therapy, which is a combination of physical exercises and education, has remarkable benefits for those who are injured or in constant pain. For many patients, physical therapy is the key to a pain-free life where joints and muscles don't ache and everyday activities are easy to accomplish without constant worry and debilitating pain. That's where Premier Physical Therapy shines – to help you live life free of the aches and pains setting you back.

Service Areas

A Unique Approach to Physical Therapy in Hollywood, SC

Premier Physical Therapy is not your ordinary physical therapy center. We separate ourselves from other physical therapy offices with an inherent belief that God's Will is to see each and every person suffering from physical ailments return to the best shape possible. We believe it's our job to make sure His Will is seen through. To ensure we do so, our physical therapy center is equipped with the most advanced technology and knowledgeable staff in South Carolina.

Some of the most popular services we offer at our physical rehabilitation office in South Carolina include:

  • Physical Therapy
  • Alter-G Treadmill
  • Aquatic Therapy
  • Sports Rehab for Athletes

Our Mission

At Premier Physical Therapy, we strive to use our abilities to help others and honor God. We believe that each person has unique gifts that they can use to make a positive impact in the world, and for us, that gift is the ability to heal and serve people through advanced physical

therapy techniques and technology. Whether you are dealing with a minor injury or a chronic condition, we are here to help you feel better and improve your overall well-being.

Now that you know a little more about our mission, let's take a closer look at the services offered at our physical therapy center.

Elevating the Art and Science of Physical Therapy in Hollywood, SC

Our services are focused on helping individuals alleviate any physical discomfort they may be experiencing by working in tandem with their bodies. Physical therapy is a unique combination of both science and art, and our team of experts is well-versed in both aspects to ensure that regardless of your symptoms or diagnosis, you receive the best care possible.

Our understanding of human anatomy is second nature to us, but we also understand that each person's body is unique. Thus, we approach each case with a willingness to adapt and tailor our methods to your specific needs, enabling you to get back to living your best life once again.

 Physical Rehabilitation Hollywood, SC
Therapy Customized

Physical Therapy Customized to Your Needs and Goals

Premier Physical Therapy works with you to develop a personalized rehabilitation program that caters to your specific needs and objectives. Whether you are suffering from the fallout of shoulder surgery, knee replacement surgery, or your back has artificial discs, you deserve a customized rehabilitation plan.

That's why we create specialized plans for every one of our clients – we never provide treatment based on someone's general characteristics or levels of pain. Plus, unlike many physical therapy centers, our team undergoes advanced training in the Mulligan Concept and McKenzie Method. The bottom line At Premier Physical Therapy, you can rely on receiving compassionate, complete support using the latest physical therapy techniques and equipment, such as dry needling.

utilize technologies

We also utilize technologies such as the Alter-G Unweighting System and Pneumex Unweighting System.

The Pneumex unweighting system is designed to decrease pain and increase strength by providing controlled, precise, weightless motion for the spine or injured joint. Premier Physical Therapy is the sole provider in the Hollywood, SC, area to offer this pain-free Pneumex technology.

clinic provides

Our physical therapy clinic provides relief for nearly every area of your body, including your:

  • Back
  • Shoulders
  • Neck
  • Jaw
  • Spine
  • Hips
  • Ankles and Feet
  • Knees
  • Elbows

Our team of practitioners also provides care for diseases and disorders, such as:

  • Arthritis
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Chronic Pain Disorders
  • Parkinson's

From high-level sports injuries to painful sprains, you can rest easy knowing that relief is just around the corner when you book an appointment with Premier Physical Therapy.

Reduce Impacts and Reimagine Rehabilitation with the Alter G

The Alter G treadmill is a remarkable piece of technology that helps reduce the impact of exercise and aids in smooth rehabilitation after surgery or injury. It is especially useful if walking, jogging, or running causes pain during recovery from physical ailments. Alter G treadmills are preferred by leading medical professionals and the world's best athletes and sports teams.

Originally developed at NASA and tested at Nike's Oregon Research Project by America's top distance runners, the Alter G was considered revolutionary when first produced. Today, it remains incredibly effective and exists as the only FDA-approved device of its kind.

Top 3 Benefits of Alter G Treadmills for Physical Therapy in Charleston

One of the most common questions we get at Premier Physical Therapy about Alter G treadmills is whether they really work or not. We get it – antigravity technology may seem out of place in a custom physical therapy program. The truth is that Alter G provides patients with an exciting, effective, and proven way to improve their workouts and recoveries. Here are just a few of the biggest benefits of using antigravity treadmills at our physical therapy office:

 Physiotherapy Hollywood, SC

Running on a traditional treadmill is a popular exercise, but it can also cause harm to your bones, joints, and muscles due to the high stress and pressure on your body. Antigravity treadmills solve this issue by using unweighting technology to help users achieve their desired workout. The AlterG can unweight up to 80% of a user's body weight, reducing stress and shock on the lower body

By wearing specialized shorts and entering the air chamber surrounding the Alter G treadmill, the machine can be calibrated to pressurize the chamber and unweight users, allowing them to run without pain and without interfering with their natural gait mechanics. This technology isn't just for athletes. It can be used for a range of physiotherapy needs, whether you're recovering from knee surgery or simply want to run without harming your knees as much.

 Antigravity Treadmill Hollywood, SC

The Alter G treadmill provides a painless, low-weight exercise for patients in early recovery. Studies show it reduces muscle atrophy and swelling and improves post-surgery results. It helps you recuperate faster and improves cardio fitness, range of motion, and strength while reducing the harmful effects of gravity. Going through recovery doesn't mean you have to waste away on the couch. Instead, you can stay active and exercise with the painless treatment Alter G from Premier Physical Therapy in South Carolina.

 Aquatic Therapy Hollywood, SC

The Alter G treadmill may sound intimidating, but it is a safe and comfortable experience for helping patients recover from injury or surgery. While using the Alter G, you will be surrounded by a safety bar that can be used for support and balance. A clinician from Premier Physical Therapy will be present to guide you through your run, adjusting your speed and pressure to create the ideal running experience. Patients who use the Alter G Treadmill can focus on getting the most out of their workout rather than worrying about falling or joint pain.

Stay Active with Aquatic Therapy

Depending on your pain symptoms and goals for physical therapy in Hollywood, SC, aquatic therapy can provide your body with immeasurable benefits. It all starts when by heating our pool to 92 degrees, to maximize your workout and keep your muscles warm. In fact, at Premier Physical Therapy, we're proud to provide patients with the warmest pool in Charleston. When you use our aquatic therapy technology, you have access to two underwater treadmills and also a pair of swim jets. Plus, we can provide accessories such as weights, jog belts, steps, and even resistance bands.

Benefits of using our aquatic therapy clinic include

  • Decreased Muscle Guarding
  • Reduced Pain
  • Un-Weighted Joints
  • Much More
Physical Therapy Hollywood, SC

Why Choose Aquatic Therapy

 Physical Rehabilitation Hollywood, SC

5 Reasons to Consider Aquatic Therapy from Premier Physical Therapy

Aquatic exercises from our physical therapy office is about more than just swimming laps. It is an effective and safe form of physical therapy that uses evidence-based techniques to help you feel and move better, whether you're 25 or 65. Curious why you should consider this service? Keep reading to find out.

Reduced Risk of Falling
Reduced Risk of Falling

Certain patients who experience problems with balance and stability might not be suitable for physical therapy on land. However, aquatic therapy decreases the likelihood of falls and fall-related injuries, enabling them to exercise and recover in a secure environment. With time, balance issues can be resolved, and confidence can be regained.

Coordination and Balance Improvements

To piggyback off of our last point, aquatic therapy is a type of physical therapy in Hollywood, SC, that can help patients improve their coordination and balance. This, in turn, can reduce their risk of falls outside of the pool. The water used in aquatic therapy slows down movement and prevents falls, which gives patients the time they need to regain their posture if they get off balance. Research has shown that hydrotherapy can be particularly beneficial for older patients, as it can help them improve their balance and recovery. As a result, they may become less fearful of falling and more confident during physical activities.

Less Stress on Your Joints and Bones
Less Stress on Your Joints and Bones

When a patient is immersed in water up to their neck, their body weight is reduced by nearly 90%. This buoyancy helps to decrease the load on weight-bearing muscles, bones, and joints. This is particularly beneficial for individuals with musculoskeletal conditions or injuries, as landing on a hard surface could be unsafe or painful.

Improve Your Cardio
Improve Your Cardio

Exercising in a pool can significantly improve one's aerobic capacity and breathing, which in turn promotes overall health. In particular, engaging in aerobic exercise can lower the risk of coronary artery disease and help maintain healthy blood pressure levels. This makes it an ideal form of physical activity for patients who require aerobic exercise but face mobility or pain issues that limit their ability to engage in land-based exercise.

Help Alleviate Swollen Joints
Help Alleviate Swollen Joints

Hydrostatic pressure refers to the pressure exerted by fluids that are confined in a space. When a person undergoes aquatic physical therapy, the water surrounding their body exerts hydrostatic pressure. This pressure helps to improve circulation, reduce swelling, decrease joint stiffness, and increase overall mobility.

 Physiotherapy Hollywood, SC

Custom Sports Conditioning and Strengthening

There's a reason why some of the best athletes in the world come to Premier Physical Therapy for help: We strive to combine the best staff with the best equipment you'll find in South Carolina or anywhere else. Our sports training program is tailored to meet the needs of athletes from any sport. It is designed to help prevent injuries and facilitate a quick return to the field.

Each workout targets speed, strength, power, agility, and weight loss, if necessary. You will have full access to our 5,000-square-foot facility, which includes an indoor, heated, saltwater aqua therapy pool to assist with soreness and improve flexibility. Before progressing to the next level, you will need to pass a functional exam with a specific goal in mind.

Some of the sports physical therapy programs we offer include:

  • Core Strengthening for Improved Performance Across Multiple Sports
  • Upper Extremity Conditioning for Softball, Baseball, Swimming, & Volleyball
  • Speed Programs
  • Vertical Jump Programs
  • Premier Pitching Academy Program
  • Golf Conditioning Program
  • Marathon, Triathlon, & Century Training Program

You with Our Health and Wellness Services

We believe that one of the best ways to maintain the gains you make with physical therapy in Charleston is to stay active and stay healthy once you're discharged from our physical rehabilitation in South Carolina. After all, regular exercise is often the best medicine you can take.

How does it work, you might be asking?

We offer you the opportunity to have unlimited visits to our 5,000-square-foot facility for an affordable monthly fee. You'll be able to schedule up to two weekly appointments for our heated pool and unlimited appointments for our gym facility. There are no lock-in contracts, and you can cancel anytime you'd like. Our facility is less crowded than regular gyms, and our therapists are always available to assist you. You'll feel comfortable knowing that if you have any questions or concerns, we're always here to help.

The Path to Pain Relief Begins at Premier Physical Therapy

If you're suffering from a physical ailment and would like to return to peak physical condition, Premier Physical Therapy is here to help you. From arthritis to Parkinson's and just about everything in between, our custom programs don't just provide relief from your symptoms – they address the root causes of your issues. Our team of experts is incredibly well-versed in healing every area of the human anatomy – from your feet to your shoulders. Contact our physiotherapy office today and let us help you become the best possible version of yourself.

Latest News in Hollywood, SC

Science Takes Center Stage at the 2024 Breakthrough Prize Ceremony

This story was created in partnership with The Breakthrough Prize.Science and pop culture are seen as worlds apart. But the Breakthrough Prize is on a mission to bring them together. The world’s largest science prize—which awards at least five $3 million prizes each year for major contributions to physics, life sciences, and mathematics—is drawing scientists into the orbit of Hollywood’s biggest stars.Founded in 2012 by Sergey Brin (co-founder of Google), M...

This story was created in partnership with The Breakthrough Prize.

Science and pop culture are seen as worlds apart. But the Breakthrough Prize is on a mission to bring them together. The world’s largest science prize—which awards at least five $3 million prizes each year for major contributions to physics, life sciences, and mathematicsis drawing scientists into the orbit of Hollywood’s biggest stars.

Founded in 2012 by Sergey Brin (co-founder of Google), Mark Zuckerberg (founder of Facebook), Priscilla Chan (co-founder of the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative), Julia & Yuri Milner (technology investor & science philanthropist), and Anne Wojcicki (co-founder of 23andMe), the Breakthrough Prize celebrates advances in fundamental science—with hopes of raising the profile of great scientists in pop culture, inspiring the public and motivating more young people to pursue careers in science. (As part of this mission, the prize also honors one high school student a year through the Breakthrough Junior Challenge, a global science video competition for students ages 13-18.)



Since its founding, the glittering star-studded ceremony has left traditional science awards in the shade, garnering a reputation as the “Oscars of Science” due to its impressive production values and the major entertainment talent in attendance, and generating billions of media impressions worldwide. Kristen Bell, Vin Diesel, Gal Gadot, Kate Hudson, Chris Pine, Lupita Nyong’o, Pharrell Williams, John Legend and Lionel Richie are just some of the presenters and performers who have graced the show in past years.

This will be the tenth Breakthrough Prize ceremony, and the milestone will be celebrated in style on April 13 at the Academy Museum of Motion Pictures in Los Angeles. Hosted by actor and comedian James Corden, it will feature stars including Robert Downey Jr., Kim Kardashian, Alicia Keys, Venus Williams, and Michelle Yeoh, in front of a crowd that boasts the world’s greatest athletes, Hollywood stars, musicians and entrepreneurs alongside scientists. The glamorous 2024 show will surely be one for the books—especially since it will be produced by Vanity Fair and Don Mischer Productions, whose work includes the Oscars, Emmys, Olympic Games openings, and Super Bowl halftime shows.

Every year, Breakthrough Prize laureates are selected for outstanding contributions to human knowledge—including human biology and diseases like cancer, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. The laureates celebrated this year include 11 winners of the $3 million Breakthrough Prizes in Life Sciences, Fundamental Physics, and Mathematics; 12 early-career physicists and mathematicians; and three Maryam Mirzakhani New Frontiers Prizes recognizing young women mathematicians.

Life science laureates Carl H. June and Michel Sadelain re-engineered T cells—key players in the body’s immune system—to be able to recognize cancer cells of individual patients, creating a highly effective treatment against liquid cancers, including some aggressive leukemias. These scientists’ work is proving transformative: some patients’ tumors have been entirely eradicated, without returning even years after treatment.

Other life science laureates include Demis Hassabis and John Jumper for designing the revolutionary AlphaFold—a machine learning system that accurately predicts the structure of proteins, one of the toughest puzzles to crack in all of biology; Thomas Gasser, Ellen Sidransky, Andrew Singleton and Richard Youle, who discovered the most common genetic causes and key mechanisms of Parkinson’s Disease; and Sabine Hadida, Paul Negulescu and Fredrick Van Goor, who invented life-changing treatments for cystic fibrosis, creating drugs that target the deadly disease’s root cause and greatly improve the qualityand length—of life for people living with this condition.

In fundamental physics, awards go to Hidetoshi Katori and Jun Ye, who built atomic clocks so accurate that they would lose less than a second in 15 billion years; and to John Cardy and Alexander Zamolodchikov for profound contributions to statistical physics and quantum field theory. Their work extends from particle physics to magnetic and superconducting materials and even black holes.

In mathematics, Simon Brendle is being celebrated for advances in differential geometry, a field that uses the tools of calculus to study smooth surfaces and spaces. Many of his results concern manifolds in higher dimensions.

Anne Wojcicki, co-founder of the Prize and founder of 23andMe, commented, “Every year I’m inspired by the ideas, discoveries and commitment to progress of the women and men who win the Breakthrough Prize.”

Check out the Breakthrough Prize YouTube channel on Sunday, April 21, to witness Hollywood celebrating science.

Awareness Exclusive: Actor Jason Weaver’s road from Hollywood to South Carolina State University

COLUMBIA, S.C. (WIS) - This week on Awareness, Billie Jean Shaw visited the beautiful and historic campus of South Carolina State University ahead of the inaugural entertainment masterclass taught by actor and singer Jason Weaver.Weaver has an ongoing successful career rising to fame at an early age. He starred in Disney’s hit sitcom, “Smart Guy,” was the singing voice of young Simba in the original “Lion King” film and he played young Michael Jackson in “The Jacksons An American Dream,” serie...

COLUMBIA, S.C. (WIS) - This week on Awareness, Billie Jean Shaw visited the beautiful and historic campus of South Carolina State University ahead of the inaugural entertainment masterclass taught by actor and singer Jason Weaver.

Weaver has an ongoing successful career rising to fame at an early age. He starred in Disney’s hit sitcom, “Smart Guy,” was the singing voice of young Simba in the original “Lion King” film and he played young Michael Jackson in “The Jacksons An American Dream,” series. As an adult, he’s starred in the movies, “ATL,” “Drumline,” and currently “The Chi.” Weaver is bringing his decades of experience from Hollywood to South Carolina State University to spearhead the university’s first entertainment masterclass, a plan he says has been in the works since January with SC State’s Board of Trustee member Dr. Macie P. Smith.

In this segment, Jason Weaver explains to Billie Jean Shaw how he entered the world of Hollywood and maintained a successful career. Weaver also talks about mega pop star Michael Jackson choosing him to play the young Michael Jackson in the “The Jackson An American Dream,” series and the surprising, yet odd way he met Michael Jackson on set. He also discusses how the role as young Michael Jackson led to call from another mega star, Elton John, who hand picked him to play young Simba in “Lion King.”

Jason Weaver shares even more candid moments from his ongoing career in Hollywood including how he’s been able to maintain his career unproblematically and his advice to future entertainers.

Jason Weaver explains how and why he wanted to teach an entertainment masterclass at South Carolina State University, the lessons students will walk away from the class with and if the title of professor is in his future. Brown also brought along other Hollywood heavy hitters to join in on the class, his attorney, actress and film producer Lena Waithe and actor, writer and producer Orlando Jones who also makes an appearance in this segment.

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Hollywood residents raise concerns over abandoned mobile home

HOLLYWOOD, S.C. (WCSC) - Concerns are being raised about an abandoned mobile home that was left on the side of the road about two months ago in the Town of Hollywood.Despite their efforts, residents have seen no action taken to remove the trailer.One Hollywood resident described the issue as playing “hot potato”, because he’s been dealing with non-stop back and forth trying to figure out who can get the mobile home taken off the side of Davison Road.The concern at hand is potential environmental impacts...

HOLLYWOOD, S.C. (WCSC) - Concerns are being raised about an abandoned mobile home that was left on the side of the road about two months ago in the Town of Hollywood.

Despite their efforts, residents have seen no action taken to remove the trailer.

One Hollywood resident described the issue as playing “hot potato”, because he’s been dealing with non-stop back and forth trying to figure out who can get the mobile home taken off the side of Davison Road.

The concern at hand is potential environmental impacts, with rain causing internal leakage of unknown fluids.

Resident Jerry Gray claims further deterioration of the home has occurred due to weather and pieces have blown into the roadway, creating a traffic hazard.

“I’m looking for creativity,” Gray said. “I’m not looking for sympathy or for anyone to agree with me. I’m looking for action, plain and simple. Get it going, bye.”

The mobile home has somehow managed to end up on a widely used GPS platform.

“To be here long enough to show up on Google Maps, we’re now a global landmark,” Gray said.

Charleston County issued a “do not occupy” notice on the home on May 22 on behalf of the Town of Hollywood, but in an email said it is not the county’s jurisdiction.

In an email on Wednesday, DHEC said it is a matter that would need to be addressed by local officials.

The Town of Hollywood said in a statement:

This is an ongoing complaint. The mobile home broke down and landed in the Charleston County unincorporated area. The first attempt to repair and move failed and the trailer was dropped off on property under the jurisdiction of the Town of Hollywood, Charleston County and SCDNR. SCDNR has taken over the code enforcement case and has notified the owner of the mobile home, the mover of the mobile home and the property owner who never gave permission for the broken-down trailer to be left on Davison Road.

In response, SCDNR said:

“We do not enforce any codes. We have written a (litter) ticket to the company that was in charge of moving the mobile home. The subject has asked for a jury trial. There is a contract dispute between the moving company and the owner of the mobile home on going. SCDNR Law Enforcement is not involved with this part of the contract dispute. Also, we have not heard from or made contact with the owner of the property where the trailer is currently located. We have reached out but have not heard back. Also, it is not located on any state-owned property or WMA (Wildlife Management Areas).”

The Charleston County’s Geographical Information System (GIS) says that the property owner is a real estate investment firm called CJB Investment LLC.

Live 5 reached out to the property owner for a comment on the matter, asking if they were charging the owner of the mobile home to sit on their land and have not heard back.

Copyright 2023 WCSC. All rights reserved.


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