Our Services

At Premier Physical Therapy, our goal is to help those with injuries or ailments return to as close to 100% full health as is possible. Our society has progressed to the point where modern medicine and technology can do more to heal the human body than ever before, and at Premier Physical Therapy, we are proud to have the best of that medicine and technology at our disposal, ready to help people defeat their ailments and get back to feeling their best.

Above all else, our services are geared for you and your needs. We realize that everybody is different, with different goals, needs, and demands, and our extensive array of technology and expertise ensures that no matter what it is you need, Premier Physical Therapy is here to help you. Between Alter G treadmills, aquatic therapy, occupational therapy, Dry Needling, general health and wellness support, and our tremendous staff, Premier Physical Therapy provides both the best services and the best equipment of any physical therapy center you’ll find.

Restore your health and life with physical therapy

Premier Physical Therapy partners with you to create a customized rehabilitation program to meet your goals. No matter if you’ve had shoulder surgery, knee replacements, or artificial discs, you deserve specialized rehabilitation planning. Our physical therapists have advanced training in the Mulligan Concept & McKenzie Method. You’ll have the full support of our team of licensed physical therapy professionals utilizing the latest techniques and equipment including Dry Needling.

Some of the technologies we utilize are the Alter-G Unweighting System & Pneumex Unweighting System. The Pneumex unweighting system decreases pain and increases strength by providing controlled, precise, weightless motion for the spine or injured joint. Premier Physical Therapy is the only provider in the Charleston, SC, area to provide the pain-free Pneumex.

Premier Physical Therapy provides therapy for essentially the entire body including:

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Premier Physical Therapy also provides care for many disorders/diseases:


Learn more about how, exactly, our team at Premier Physical Therapy can use technology and expertise of the human body to help rehabilitate you and heal you.


Physical Therapy


Alter-G Treadmill


Aquatic Therapy

