We “Belize” in Mary!
April 11, 2019

Student aid, Mary & Trident PTA program visit Belize

Each semester, Premier Physical Therapy allows Physical Therapist Assistant (PTA) students from different colleges to complete clinic hours at our state of the art facility to aid in their learning.  Since March of 2019, Premier PT has had the pleasure of having a PTA student from Trident Technical College named Mary in the clinic gaining experience and assisting with patients.  Mary recently took a trip to Belize with her classmates and instructors to get first-hand experience out in the field and further develop their physical therapy studies.

In the group were 7 students and 1 teacher from the PTA program, 5 students and 2 professors from radiology program, and 1 nurse practitioner.  The primary purpose of the trip was to allow the students to serve in a hospital .  They were able to help in both the outpatient clinic and the inpatient side of the hospital.  Mary proudly was able to treat a patient with low back pain and incorporate some McKenzie techniques  that she has learned during her time at Premier Physical Therapy.

Mary’s favorite part about Belize was getting to know the people and learn all about their culture.  Mary said, “They were all so welcoming and excited to have us there.”  Mary’s goal after PTA school is to find a job working in an outpatient clinic in the Charleston area.  We are lucky to have Mary has part of our team temporarily and happy she was able to attend her mission trip to Belize.